There are lot of Psychological and Physiological benefits of being out in nature, inhaling fresh air , being away from urban area and having some physical exercise . In other words , doing Hiking.

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  • Walking on a hiking trail with backpack (i.e carrying some weight) makes you inhale lot of air. Since , you're away from urban population , you inhale air free of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide ,sulphur dioxide etc and breathes in air rich of oxygen content. Hiking also increases flow of blood through heart as an effect of increase in heart beat due to physical exertion. Both these factors leads to proper circulation of oxygen in body and proves to be good exercise for heart.

  • Hiking keeps you away from your daily activities , thereby removing your attention from your busy tension filled life . It also gives you new environment to thing about. They say - " A healthy mind resides in healthy body" . This is because healthy body has good blood circulation i.e there is proper blood circulation to our brain , which in turn keeps our hormones in check . Stress can be caused by imbalance in our hormones which can be fixed my maintaining balance between mind and body . In this era , we have more work to do with brain than body which imbalances our system . Hiking can help to maintain that balance .

  • A long distance hiking with backpack on back puts lot of force on feet , thighs and back and exercises abdominal, hips, butts, shoulders and neck . All these make your body flexible and increases your muscle density. Being out in sun helps your body make enough VITAMIN D which helps the bones to absorb calcium content from blood .

    All of the above perks can can individually be achieved by some different indoor exercise. Don't go on hiking just because you want to get rid of some disease. By the way , if you are a patient of some disease , first consult your Doctor about Hiking , otherwise it can be dangerous .

Now we come to psychological benefits


  • Imagine a situation when you watch a movie trailer on you tube and the trailer is good . You pay 10 bucks on movie ticket on it's release and few more on pop corns . After the end of movie , you come out with unsatisfied face taking about how boring the movie was ! or wondering when did you fell asleep during the movie . It's not that every times it happen but chances of this situation are no less . While Hiking always gives you sense of satisfaction . It is challenging and enjoyable task . It refreshes your brain and body. After , hiking you feel sense of achievement with happy face .

  • Wondering , what does hiking has to do with confidence ? Well , hiking does have a hand in boosting confidence . (Note: confidence depend on number of other factors as well) While we are in offices or schools , we are usually surrounded by negative minded people , although not all are negative minded . They influence our thinking process and in this case , we start thinking negatively . Negativity is enemy of confidence and over time , negativity comes in our habitual actions which lowers our confidence. Hiking gives us a different environment , an environment where we can become one with nature . It is challenging so we don't have enough time to think about any negative thoughts, further , sense of satisfaction induces positivity which make us more confident .
    If you feel you lack too much in confidence , we suggest you read the book " The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. It is an amazing book which can help you in all aspects of life.You can buy the book "here" or download a demo "here"

  • Yes , hiking makes you creative .Wondering how ?? While on hiking , you have to think ahead of your path , think about what you need and think about your capabilities .You can't be just "Time Travelling"" and hiking at the same Time . From Time Travelling , we mean our mental tendency to always think about past or future , a diversion from present . According to a research , hiking regularly can increase your problem solving skills by 50%

We don't do hiking to get anyone of these perks . These can individually be achieved by doing some other activities . We do hiking for adventure , for sense of satisfaction , to bring some colors in life and all these perks come along as side effect of hiking .

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