hiking meme

OK - What is being healthy ?

Healthy is when you have 6 pack abs , heavy bis abs and trisabs and you can run and catch every purse snatcher you come across or healthy is when you become vigilante of your city ! --- right??

Answer is NOOO ... even when Marvel is putting this idea inside mind of people .

Every one has their own physical limits based upon their height, flexibility , muscle density , amount of fat and all these depend on number of other factors .Also there is no such thing as vigilante so never try to be one . Just follow the laws and use your intellect in odd situations

Healthy is when we are free of common diseases i.e our immune system is working alright .We are able to walk for an hour , climb stairs , eat at right time ,sleep at right time and do not ave your belly coming out .

Author James Altucher , in his book - " CHOOSE YOURSELF" defines being healthy when you are able to shit on time and we also agree with that . By the way , "Choose Yourself" is an amazing book . It teaches you to live a satisfying and happy life . Read review " HERE " or can buy it on low cost " here ".

You can make daily routine of exercises to remain healthy . Walk for 15 minute in park , do half an hour of yoga and eat balanced diet . All this is necessary to remain healthy but it is not very adventurous to walk in park . Hiking makes you healthy , gives you ample of adventure and other benefit that we'll cover in other post .

So, you should use your holiday to go out in country side for hiking and camping , instead of watching 10 movies in a row .

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